Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I have had enough.

For the past few years my out of town "best friend" has been incredibly rude and really not much of a real friend. Not responsive. Generally late when she is supposed to meet up with me and other MN friends. Last year she was a half hour late to meet me for the hour she had, and then she got pissed, when I called her on it. This year she didn't bother to let me know, and I saw a post from a friend that she was out with. I am done. When she first moved away, she was glad to be home and meet up, but more and more I got the feeling that she is too good for me. When I have gone out to see her, I got the attitude that I was a waste of her time and not really welcome for a majority of the trip. I have made myself available to her, when she needed someone to talk to, when she didn't have friends out there, to offer her assistance when she was having a rough time. But have gotten guff, when I needed her to do the same for me.

This was just the last slap I needed today. I had already been feeling like I do not fit in and lonely.

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